Prizes and surprises

Published on: Author: sarahfoskett 1 Comment

This time of year affords many opportunities for reflection.  For staff it is time to consider the academic year past, both in a practical way through the revision of handbooks and development of teaching material, and in a more holistic way taking stock of the many highlights and successes of the year. For students it… Continue reading

Mix, stir and match: the complexities of dyeing conservation support fabrics

Published on: Author: sarahfoskett 1 Comment

By Kirstin Ingram, Second year student, MPhil Textile Conservation Dyeing support fabrics can sometimes feel like witchcraft even with synthetic dyes: you mix potions together, stir at a boiling pot, and turn a piece of undyed fabric into any colour of the rainbow. However, sometimes this magic can involve a lot of trial and error… Continue reading

Open Day 2022: a series of firsts

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by Joanne Hackett, Lecturer MPhil Textile Conservation Well, what with one thing and another it had been three years since the Centre for Textile Conservation hosted an open day and so we were delighted to see over 70 guests to Open Day 2022 on the 13th of May.  Our Open Day saw are series of… Continue reading

Third time’s the charm: The perks of giving a presentation several times

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by Camille Lafrance, Second year student, MPhil Textile Conservation It is not common for a student to have the opportunity to do a presentation more than once; presentations are often forgotten soon after they are given. During our busy semesters, there are never enough chances to reflect further on the feedback received and go back… Continue reading

Horsing Around: Identifying Horsehair in Historic Textiles

Published on: Author: sarahfoskett 4 Comments

By Tabby Gibbs, First Year Student, MPhil Textile Conservation As we are now well into the second semester, my fellow first years and I have been reflecting on the vast amount we learnt in the first term. One of the things I particularly enjoyed studying was microscopy; the ability to tell different fibres apart through… Continue reading

Edit for Climate Change

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by Kirstin Ingram, second year student, MPhil Textile Conservation. During the United Nations Climate Change Conference UK 2021 (COP26), politicians, participants, and protesters descended on Glasgow to join the discussion of climate change and sustainability. The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme decision making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate… Continue reading

Irene Emery, deconstructing and defining tradition: dance pioneer, sculptor, textile authority

Published on: Author: sarahfoskett 5 Comments

by Sebastian B Pin, 2nd year MPhil Textile Conservation student. On 14th  of April 1929, a Sunday evening, Martha Graham took to the stage of the Booth Theatre, New York, to present a pioneering new programme of dance which marked the debut performance of her newly formed company: Martha Graham and Group. The programme of… Continue reading