Graduation is always special, but this year as we gathered outside the Bute Hall waiting for the university organ to strike up the academic anthem, Karen and I both felt a heightened sense of anticipation and excitement for the graduation of the 2019-21 cohort:
Anna Robinson, Callie Jerman, Catherine Harris, Yufei Xiang, Signe Thøgerson and Asgrimur Einarrson and Beth Gillions.

Being a two-year programme, this cohort had faced more disruption than even most other post-graduate students as both their first and second years were affected by the pandemic. But throughout both years they demonstrated great resilience, fortitude, adaptability and good humour in the face of unprecedented uncertainty, anxiety and change. The anticipation was therefore both for the opportunity to celebrate of the students’ triumph over adversity and for the pleasure of being able to do it publicly, in-(socially distanced)-person and in time honoured tradition.
We were delighted that Anna, Beth and Yufei could make it to the ceremony and they carried with them the spirit of the whole year group as they took their place in the roll call. We joined their families, friends and fellow students in clapping loudly and proudly as their names were called and they were presented to be ‘capped’, had their hoods put into place by the Bedellus and received their richly deserved degree certificates. The collective sense of admiration we felt for their commitment, hard work and achievements was echoed in the Principal’s speech which also charged the new graduates to continue to push boundaries and make change as they move forward.
As we gathered after the ceremony, the atmosphere was charged with the joy of success, the pleasure of being reunited and with optimism for the future. We are thrilled that their transition to emerging professionals is well underway and sincerely wish them all every success in the future. Well done, good luck and do stay in touch!

All so very well deserved. What wonderful inspiration to see what can be achieved throughout such uncertainty and disruption. Much respect to all!
Congratulations. As a lecturer in textile conservation at the University of Amsterdam, I know all too well what an above-average effort and perseverance this achievement has delivered, both for the students and the teachers.
Many congratulations to all – great achievement in the face of ‘difficult times’… and thanks to the staff too for seeing you through so brillantly! All good luck for your next steps – and happy holidays and best wishes for a healthy, happy and peaceful 2022!
Mary Brooks