Paisley shawls. Glasgow’s Stoddard Templeton carpets. Turkey red calico from the Vale of Leven. Ayrshire lace. Cotton spinning in New Lanark.
These are just some of the world-famous textile industries of 19th century Scotland. Today is it hard to imagine their global scale or local impact.
Why were these textiles so popular? How were they made? Who was involved? What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring? Why did production end? What has survived?
Rediscover the fascinating stories behind Scotland’s decorative textile heritage in our museums and archives through the unique ReCREATE network of curators, historians, designers, archivists and scientists.
At Paisley Museum and Art Galleries on Saturday 20th June, ReCREATE partners and others will show and tell how they are reconnecting these beautiful Scottish textiles with the tools, processes and people who made them.
- See magnificent weaving looms from the 1800’s in action
- Take a close look at companies’ designs and samples in century-old pattern books
- Compare the colours of natural dyes with the first synthetic ones
- Handle historical tools and textiles
- Hear about the lives of textile workers
- Find out why Paisley, Glasgow and the River Clyde were so important for textile makers
- Learn the skills of the calico printer
- Take a textile heritage walk through the streets of Paisley
Full event programme details can be found at http://www.gla.ac.uk/recreate/. Follow us on Twitter @Recreate19thC #Recreate19thC.
ReCREATE is funded by a Royal Society of Edinburgh Arts and Humanities/Scottish Government research network award. Coordinators: Dr Anita Quye, School of Culture and Creative Arts, University of Glasgow anita.quye@glasgow.ac.uk and Dr Klaus Staubermann, Department of Science and Technology, National Museums Scotland k.staubermann@nms.ac.uk
Where? Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, High Street Paisley. PA1 2BA
When? Saturday 20th June 2015
Starting at 11am, finishing at 3pm (drop-in)
Cost? Free