TCC@50 – Building on 50 Years of Training, Practice and Research
Kelvin Centre for Conservation and Cultural Heritage Research, University of Glasgow
Monday 16th to Tuesday 17th June 2025
About our Conference
2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Textile Conservation Centre at Hampton Court Palace. Whilst its physical location and name have changed, its core aim has remained the same: to educate textile conservators in a dynamic and professional teaching, practice and research environment.
Using this significant milestone as a launching point, the conference seeks to celebrate and challenge the diversity, maturity and creativity of our profession. We will explore the many facets of the profession, looking to the future whilst also responding to the legacy of the past and exploring our relationship with others.
The 2-day conference will comprise presentations, posters and round table discussions, as well as social events and an opportunity to network with fellow professionals.
We invite authors at all stages of their career and from all relevant backgrounds and training contexts to contribute papers which explore the following themes:
- Looking Forwards
The future of the discipline and the profession, addressing the changing needs, responsibilities and challenges of the sector.
- Building, Adapting, Sharing
Evolving techniques and approaches, drawing influence and inspiration from other conservation fields, other disciplines and other traditions.
- Reflections and Responses
Paradigm shifts in 50 years of textile conservation practice and training.
Projects already presented or published will not be considered and proposed projects must be completed by the end of 2024. The publication of conference post-prints is anticipated.
The conference will take place in Glasgow and will be run as a hybrid event. In-person presentations are preferred, but online delivery will also be considered.
Guide for Authors
The conference is planning to deliver a mix of long (20 minutes), short (5 minutes) and poster presentations.
Abstracts should have the following format:
- Title
- Author(s) – indicate corresponding author with *
- Abstract text (a maximum of 300 words, which should address at least one of the themes, and include the key points and conclusions covered in your paper)
- Presentation type (20 minute oral/5 minute oral/poster, in-person/remote)
- Author biography (a maximum of 100 words per author)
- Contact details of corresponding author (email address)
The abstract should be submitted as a Word document; the file name should include the surname of the main author (e.g., Foskett_TTC50.doc).
The abstract should not include images or attachments.
Abstracts should be submitted to: texcons50@glasgow.ac.uk
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 31st October 2024
Notification of acceptance: 22nd November 2024
For any conference enquiries: texcons50@glasgow.ac.uk